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Latest news
May 2021:
- After building our own identity, we are thrilled to announce the inauguration of our new qchaoscontrol website! We hope you enjoy scrolling in it! ;)
April 2021:
Our new manuscript “Sensing quantum chaos through the non-unitary geometric phase” is now online on arXiv. We are charmed with it, wanna read it?. All comments are welcome!
We are glad to receive Tomás Notenson as a new PhD student in our group. Tomás will work on scrambling and thermalization of many-body quantum systems. Welcome Tomás!
We are delighted to announce our new grant from Unitary Fund to develop Krylov and K-GRAPE algorithms integrated with QuTiP. For more details, see our related article.
March 2021:
- COVID-19 is not enough to stop the start of our historic Journal Club and a new edition of it has begun this month! Every week we will meet virtually with our quantum colleagues from several groups and discuss recent papers and hot topics of the quantum world.