
Our fuel are questions

Our research is mostly focus on quantum control, quantum chaos and the dynamics of open quantum systems. Learn about some of the questions that motivate us the most:


1. Can we harness non-markovian dynamics for quantum information processing taks?

Open quantum systems suffer from decoherence, which continually leaks information into the environment. However, a non-markovian dynamics allows to partially recover the information that was previously lost as it may flow back from the environment to the open quantum system. We have developed several strategies to take advantage of this backflow of information, either for generating entanglement between non-interacting quantum systems coupled to the same non-markovian reservoir and also for quantum metrology taks! Interested in details? Take a look at our publications [1, 2, 3].


2. Which are the most universal dynamical manifestations of quantum chaos?

Tools like the Loschmidt echo and the OTOCs have made it possible to analyze quantum chaos in the time domain. However, it is still not clear if the short or the long-time regime is the most reliable one for characterizing the chaotic nature of a given quantum system. In our group we have developed various methods for diagnosing quantum chaos and we always find better signatures of quantum chaos in the long-time regime. Want to know more? See our recent works [1, 2, 3, 4].


3. How large a many-body quantum system must be to exhibit signatures of quantum chaos?

Quantum chaos is usually defined through spectral measures that require to focus on the limit of high-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Is it possible to find dynamical vestiges of quantum chaos in extremely short spin chains composed of three spins? If you are intrigued by the answer, better read our recent articles: [1, 2].


4. Is it possible to exploit landscape geometry to enhance quantum optimal control?

Quantum optimal control (QOC) is the field devoted to the production of external control protocols that actively guide quantum dynamics. However, the solutions obtained from the algorithms are usually highly irregular, making them unsuitable for direct experimental implementation. Is there an efficient way of smoothing and compressing these unattractive optimal controls in order to meet laboratory demands? Want to know the answer? Take a glimpse at our latest articles: [1, 2].


5. How fast can a quantum system evolve?

Quantum mechanics dictates bounds for the minimal evolution time between predetermined initial and final states. These bounds were initially proposed for unitary dynamics, but more recently were extended to non-unitary evolutions. Which is the most consistent way of extending these bounds in the presence of decoherence? Is there a generic relation between these quantum speed limits and the minimum time for efficiently driving a quantum system to a given target state? We had explored some of these questions and more, are you curious? Take a look at: [1, 2, 3].